Director Caveh Zahedi?s I Am A Sex Addict may be Zahedi's most autobiographical film to date. Previously, when Tripping With Caveh featured Zahedi and musician Will Oldham wandering through meadows high on mushrooms, some viewers wondered what the point was. Now, mining deeper topics, "Caveh" relays his history of sex addiction before taking wedding vows with his third wife to-be. Beginning the tale in Paris, 1984, Zahedi narrates the story of Anna, his first true love, Caroline, his second love played by actress Rebecca Lord, and the destruction of both relationships due to his insatiable desire for prostitutes. Speaking directly towards the camera or acting out dramatized scenes, Zahedi explains his psychological needs to masturbate, receive oral sex, and gawk at women. When his girlfriends repeatedly dump him, he hits rock bottom and begins attending Sex Addicts Anonymous meetings. Zahedi's first-person experimentalism sometimes seems pretentious, as he explains, for example, how he came to cast a famous porn star, though it is clear that Zahedi's message is sincere. The unsavory topic explored in I Am A Sex Addict is not for everyone, though some viewers may take solace in the film's brute honesty. --Trinie Dalton