Columbia Pictures (1990)
Drama, Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller
In Collection
Seen ItYes
115 mins USA / English
Kiefer Sutherland Nelson Wright
Julia Roberts Dr. Rachel Mannus
Kevin Bacon David Labraccio
William Baldwin Joe Hurley
Oliver Platt Randy Steckle
Kimberly Scott Winnie Hicks
Joshua Rudoy Billy Mahoney
Benjamin Mouton Rachel's Father
Aeryk Egan Young Nelson
Kesha Reed Young Winnie
Hope Davis Anne Coldren
Jim Ortlieb Uncle Dave
John Duda Young Labraccio
Megan Stewart Playground Kid
Tressa Thomas Playground Kid
Joel Schumacher
Producer Scott Rudin
Michael Douglas
Writer Peter Filardi
Cinematography Jan de Bont
Musician James Newton Howard

Five medical students want to find out if there is life after death. They plan to stop one of their hearts for a few seconds, thus simulating death, and then bring the person back to life.
Edition Details
No. of Discs/Tapes 1
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