Love Is On The Air
FilmPool (2021)
Comedy, Romance
In Collection
Seen ItNo
84 mins USA / English
Microsoft Movies & TV 
Jason London Adam Smasher
Lauren Harper Eve Cassidy
John Schneider Garrett
Judi Evans Miriam Cassidy
Lindsay Hartley Pinky
Max Udell Dale Biscuit
Ian Michaels Jamel
Sami Bray Maddie
Chris Cleveland Proud Man - John
Christopher Cleveland Proud Man
Kristina de Mora Trillian
Justino Garza Extra
John Harrison Extra
Ariel Hicks Extra
Emily Madsen-Garza Extra
Maxwell Mushallo Will
Chris Okkerse Cook
Kevin Shewey Alistair
Jeremy Winter Restaurant Manager
Terry Woodberry Franklin
Arvin N. Berner
Producer Arvin N. Berner
Hugh C. Litfin
Vincent Moretto
Sean A. Stencil
David A.R. White
Writer Tommy Blaze
Cinematography Vincent Moretto
Musician Will Musser

Shock jock Adam finds himself on the road to fame and fortune. But when it all falls apart, life takes a romantic detour he never could have expected.
Edition Details
No. of Discs/Tapes 1
Personal Details