Under The Autumn Moon
Hallmark Entertainment (2018)
Comedy, Drama, Romance
In Collection
Seen ItNo
90 mins USA / English
Amazon Prime Video 
Lindy Booth Alex
Wes Brown Josh
Natalie Lisinska Taylor
Cherion Drakes Jill
Dean Redman Michael
Paul Essiembre Roger
Casey Manderson Ben
Cherissa Richards Carla
Jennifer Pudavick Serena
Garrett Smith Ranch Hand
Erik Athavale Driver
Morgan Holmstrom Ella
Shannon Guile Boy's Mom
Darlene M. Lee Vera (Ranch Hand)
Gary Yates
Producer Anthony Fankhauser
Jeff Holland
Phyllis Laing
Stan Spry
Ashley Squires
Writer Nicole Avril
Tracy Andreen
Edgar Lyall
Cinematography Paul Suderman
Musician Corey Allen Jackson
Aldo Shllaku

While visiting a dude ranch that is a potential acquisition for the outdoor adventure company she works for, Alex, an eager candidate for a big promotion discovers what matters most when she reignites her passion for the great outdoors; and becomes smitten with the ranch’s owner in the process.
Edition Details
No. of Discs/Tapes 1
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