The Great Gatsby
Warner Bros. (2013)
Drama, Romance
In Collection
Seen ItNo
IMDB   7.2
143 mins Australia / English
Microsoft Movies & TV    US - PG-13
Lisa Adam Weeping
Frank Aldridge Well Dressed Male Witness - Wilson's Garage
Amitabh Bachchan Meyer Wolfshiem
Steve Bisley Dan Cody
Richard Carter Herzog
Jason Clarke George Wilson
Adelaide Clemens Catherine
Vince Colosimo Michaelis
Max Cullen Owl Eyes
Mal Day The Boss-Probity Trust
Elizabeth Debicki Jordan Baker
Leonardo DiCaprio Jay Gatsby
Joel Edgerton Tom Buchanan
Emmanuel Ekwenski Jazz Player
Eden Falk Mr. McKee
Isla Fisher Myrtle Wilson
Emily Foreman Pammy
Tiger Leacey Wyvill Pammy
Charlize Skinner Pammy
Garrett William Fountain Barman
David Furlong Walter Chase
Daniel Gill Police Commissioner
Iota Trimalchio the Orchestra Leader
Price Johnson Singer - Wilson's Garage
Stephen James King Nelson
Baz Luhrmann
Producer Bruce Berman
Lucy Fisher
Jay Z
Catherine Knapman
Baz Luhrmann
Writer Baz Luhrmann
Craig Pearce
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Cinematography Simon Duggan
Musician Craig Armstrong

An adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald's Long Island-set novel, where Midwesterner Nick Carraway is lured into the lavish world of his neighbor, Jay Gatsby. Soon enough, however, Carraway will see through the cracks of Gatsby's nouveau riche existence, where obsession, madness, and tragedy await.
Edition Details
No. of Discs/Tapes 1
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